Business Insurance in and around Lexington
Looking for small business insurance coverage?
Cover all the bases for your small business
- Lexington
- Versailles
- Lexington-Fayette
- Nicholasville
- Paris
- Georgetown
- Winchester
- Lawrenceburg
- Frankfort
- Richmond
- Danville
- Berea
- Jessamine County
- Mount Washington
- Stamping Ground
- Lancaster
- Brannon Woods
- Centerville
- Midway
- Keene
- Vineyard
- Wilmore
- Pinckard
Cost Effective Insurance For Your Business.
It's a lot of responsibility to start and run a business, but you don't have to figure it out all by yourself. As someone who also runs a business, State Farm agent John Parkhurst understands the work that it takes and would love to help lift some of the burden. This is protection you'll definitely want to look into.
Looking for small business insurance coverage?
Cover all the bases for your small business
Cover Your Business Assets
That's because a small business policy from State Farm covers a wide range of concerns. Your coverage can include a business owners policy that provides for loss of income (for up to 12 months) in the event your business is closed down. It not only protects your wages, but also helps with regular payroll expenditures. You can also include liability, which is crucial coverage protecting your business in the event of a claim or judgment against you by a visitor.
Reach out to State Farm agent John Parkhurst today to experience how a State Farm small business policy can ease your business worries here in Lexington, KY.
Simple Insights®
Answers about automatic fire sprinkler systems
Answers about automatic fire sprinkler systems
Commercial sprinkler systems are a key step in fire protection. If you have questions, get answers to help protect your business from devastating fire damage.
Tips to help prevent water leakage at your business or home
Tips to help prevent water leakage at your business or home
Help prevent water damage in the workplace and at home by checking on appliances and installing leak detection systems.
John Parkhurst
State Farm® Insurance AgentSimple Insights®
Answers about automatic fire sprinkler systems
Answers about automatic fire sprinkler systems
Commercial sprinkler systems are a key step in fire protection. If you have questions, get answers to help protect your business from devastating fire damage.
Tips to help prevent water leakage at your business or home
Tips to help prevent water leakage at your business or home
Help prevent water damage in the workplace and at home by checking on appliances and installing leak detection systems.